Panther News - September 18-22
Dear Panther Families,
We had an incredible week with our students! It is hard to believe that we are starting our fourth week of school. Our panther cubs are learning our character traits and showing that they are learning routines and procedures. Our character trait this month is Self-Control. We've been reaching out to you with some positive office calls to report great things. I want to thank our parents who have shared wonderful insights on the start of our school year.
Our students in grades 3-5 will take the State Growth Assessment for reading and math during the next two weeks. We've issued 1:1 devices for students. Please know that devices are new for our 5th graders and will remain with them through middle school. K-2 students have access to devices to use within the classroom. Teaching good habits with the use of technology is important.
We want to commend our awesome bus drivers! They take care of the Bruton Zone and have made terrific improvements in getting our students home in a timely manner. There are many students on each bus and we ask that you review bus rules with your child. We want this to be a safe ride for all. We dismiss at 3:20 to ensure a maximized learning day. Please refrain from picking up your child early.
If you haven't done so already, please establish a Rycor account. Important information and forms are associated with this account and ensure that your child can participate in the use of technology, field trips, and much more. Use this link to view the instructions for accessing Rycor. Rycor Instructions and Access Link We encourage you to call our front office if you need assistance.
Upcoming events
September 18, 20, and 21 Reading SGA Testing for grades 3-5
September 25, 27, and 28 Math SGA Testing for grades 3-5
September 29 PTA's Bingo for Books
October 2 Student Holiday, Teacher Workday
We are also reaching out to you about volunteering. Please know that you are welcome at MES and the PTA invites you as well to volunteer in the manner that works for your schedule. Also, we have a special education para educator position to fill. If you are interested, apply through YCSD and/or reach out to us for more information. We've hired some of our best staff members right from our community! Join the best staff in the world at MES.
Have a fabulous week! We love our panther cubs!
Lisa Ruffieux