General Clinic Information
Clinic Phone Number is 757-220-4583
Illness: If your child is sick, please do not send them to school when they have had any of the following symptoms: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or muscle fatigue. Your child may return to school after they have gone 24 hours without vomiting, diarrhea, muscle fatigue, fever (greater than 100.0 F without using fever reducing medications). We want to keep our students healthy and this is the best way to keep them from becoming sick. “If your child is sick today, then tomorrow they shouldn’t return to school or play with other children.”
Absences: Please report all absences to the attendance secretary at 757-220-4067(voicemail is always available). You will receive a call from us to verify a student absence if we do not hear from you as a safety precaution and as required by law. For the absence to be excused, a written note or email to the attendance secretary is required.
Medications: If your child requires a medication during the school day and cannot be given at home, it must be brought into the school by parents/guardians. The appropriate paperwork must be completed and signed. Medications cannot be placed in the students backpack for transport to school. There is a form called the Administration of Medication Form that must be completed allowing the nurse to administer medications at school (located on the clinic web page). This includes cough drops at school. Cough drops are a choking hazard for small children and can become a safety issue, so we need your written permission to administer at school.
PE Excuses:Injuries, illnesses, and asthma can mean your student needs restricted PE or physical activities. If your child must be restricted from PE or physical activities, please send a note stating which activities and how long. If your child is to miss more than 3 days from P.E., a doctor’s note is needed by the school nurse. We need specific instructions from the physician regarding breaks, strains or any other physical limitation so we may keep your child safe while at school. If you have any questions, please call me 757-220-4583.
Emergency Information: Please keep these numbers up to date. If there are any changes, please call the office at 757-220-4067 or Clinic at 757-220-4583 with new phone numbers (Home, Work, and Cell). It is important that we can reach you for illnesses, injuries and emergencies.
A change of clothes in a Ziploc bag (kept in backpack) may prevent you from having to bring a change of clothes to school during the day. I have very few items left in the clinic. If your child slips outside in the mud, spills drinks, or has an accident at school, it helps to have that change of clothes, just in case!
Thank you so much!